Spending How Much On Holiday Gifts?

While you’re likely excited for the upcoming holidays, don’t let your holiday gifts spending give you a spending hangover in the new year. In a recent Rubicon Project study, which specializes in online advertising technology, millennials were asked about their shopping plans for the upcoming holiday season. The findings were eye-opening! They found that Millennials […]

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Living paycheck-to-paycheck is much more common than you might think! Living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling to get by month after month happens to many more people than we likely realize. Earlier this year the Financial Post conducted a study that concluded that nearly fifty percent of Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck. PR Newswire […]

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

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Start from where you are right now, it’s the best place to begin. One of my favourite books is Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. Just the introduction is so inspirational: “Congratulations today’s your day you’re off to great places you’re off and away you have brains in your head you have feet […]

Where Should You Start? Right Where You Are

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Do you every have those months where you go way over your budget? Tweetable: Life has ups and downs and so do your finances, it’s ok. @limor_markman It happens to the best of us, whether we have unexpected expenses that we can’t avoid like a car maintenance or we just want to indulge a little […]

I Went Over My Budget… A Personal Confession

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If you’ve been thinking about raiding your retirement savings to finance an adventure, pay for a luxury item you’ve been wanting, or to be able to fund your life while you make a career change, you’re not alone. When you have an account that you’ve been contributing to for years which now has a sizeable […]

Raiding Your Retirement Funds


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It seems to be very trendy these days to quit your day job and pursue your dreams and if you’re seriously considering it, here are my top four financial tips BEFORE you leave your 9 – 5. Know how you’re going to make money for the next 6 months. As much as you dislike your […]

Prepping Your Finances to Leave Your Job

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Money isn’t everything, but so much of our lives depends on money. Our homes, our food, our lifestyles, that sadly is it not surprising that finances are often cited as a reason why couples’ relationships end. A recent CIBC survey suggests that nearly all couples believe it’s important to have a serious joint discussion about […]

Three Answers You Need to Live Financially Ever After

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I’m a huge believer in having multiple streams of income, regardless of whether you have a high paying job that you really enjoy. The truth is that most of us could benefit from having more funds, whether we want to enjoy new experiences with friends and/or loved ones, we want a little more free-time or […]

Should you have a side hustle and multiple streams of income?

Money Misc

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Bankruptcy might feel like a fairly simple solution, but actually it is definitely not! Going through bankruptcy has a lasting impact on many areas of your life. Extreme amounts of debt may be something that people of all walks of life get into. The scary part, is that most people do not fit the mold that would […]

Overwhelmed by debt and considering bankruptcy?

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Keeping your spending under control is critical to having success with your personal finances. Here are five tips to help you keep your spending under control: Tip # 1.  Know how much you earn on a monthly basis. I know this sounds basic, but many of us don’t know exactly how much ends up in […]

Best Tips to Control Your Spending

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