Organizing Your Monthly Online Bill Payment

A bill payment system can save you so much time and unnecessary stress! One of the problems we have when, dealing with all our bills, is that we spend so much time worrying about them. Thinking whether to pay this bill or that bill. Wondering how much do I owe? Am I late in making […]

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If you’ve ever wondered why things get more expensive, you’ll be interested to learn about inflation. Inflation is the general and ongoing increase in the price of both goods and services. It’s why things get more expensive over the years. It’s like when your grandma says, “When I was your age, going to the movies […]

What is inflation and why should you care?

Money Misc

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Identifying and avoiding a financial scam is the best way to keep your money and identity protected. These days, scammers and hackers are pretty sophisticated and can very easily disguise themselves as your bank or credit card company. Just the other day, I answered an unrecognizable number on my cell phone to discover it was my credit card […]

How to Avoid A Financial Scam!

Money Misc

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If you’re not exactly sure about the workings of the stock market, you’ve come to the right place. The stock market is the market where the shares of publicly traded companies are issued and traded through exchanges. This market is also called the equity market. Through the stock market, companies acquire funds (capital) in exchange for small […]

What is the Stock Market?

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We all want to double our investments, but over what period of time? With the “Rule of 72” you can figure it out! It’s called the “Rule of 72” and it’s a quick formula that will help you determine how long it will take for your investments to double at your current interest rate. One […]

Doubling Your Money With The Rule of 72


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Many of us ask more questions on a first date, then when interviewing a financial planner, and we entrust them with our wealth! So, what would you ask on a first date? A financial first date with a financial planner that is! Have you been wanting the help and advice of a planner, but don’t […]

Interviewing a Financial Planner


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Sending money to a friend or around the world, has never been easier, with email money transfer I get tons of emails and private messages with many different money questions. One of the questions I’ve received a number of times is how to send money using email, both to friends nearby and across the world. […]

Sending Money Via Email Transfer

Money Misc

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Who has the time to remember to save? No one. That’s why you should automate your savings. Why should you stress and worry about putting money aside every single month? The answer is, you shouldn’t and you don’t have to if you automate your savings. Many financial experts will tell you that you should “pay […]

Automate Your Savings: Foolproof Way to Wealth


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Lifestyle creep: Are You Allowing it to Sneak Up On You? I had a disturbing conversation with a friend the other day, where she told me about her new promotion which came with a parking spot right outside her new office. I asked her, “What are you going to do with the parking spot, since […]

Is Lifestyle Creep Swallowing Your Financial Future?

Money Misc

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Have you heard the expression ‘throwing good money after bad’? Well this idiom can also be applied to understanding sunk costs! Let me explain… have you ever spent money on an item or experience and later, had to pay more money towards the same original expense?  This could be considered throwing the good money after […]

Understanding Sunk Costs

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