Should you be spending money on treating yourself? I’m going to venture to say that as you have chosen to read this article, it is quite likely that you do spend money on treating yourself and possibly a little too much! We all want to live fabulous lives, and of course that includes me; but […]
While you’re likely excited for the upcoming holidays, don’t let your holiday gifts spending give you a spending hangover in the new year. In a recent Rubicon Project study, which specializes in online advertising technology, millennials were asked about their shopping plans for the upcoming holiday season. The findings were eye-opening! They found that Millennials […]
Start from where you are right now, it’s the best place to begin. One of my favourite books is Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. Just the introduction is so inspirational: “Congratulations today’s your day you’re off to great places you’re off and away you have brains in your head you have feet […]
It seems to be very trendy these days to quit your day job and pursue your dreams and if you’re seriously considering it, here are my top four financial tips BEFORE you leave your 9 – 5. Know how you’re going to make money for the next 6 months. As much as you dislike your […]
Stop making your finances so complicated! There are three ways money flows. So many people don’t take control of their finances because it can feel so complicated that people don’t know where to start. Well I’m here to tell you, that it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, take a deep breath. There are actually only […]
Both your quality of life and the size of your bank account matter. How would you rate the quality of your life? And how would you rate the quality of your bank account? You may not realize it, but the decisions we make every day about the quality of our life impacts our bank account […]
What happens when you only pay the minimum balance on your credit card. There are some areas in life where you can get by just fine by doing only the minimum or putting in the least effort required. For example, if your clothes end up on a chair at the end of the day rather […]
Credit score range… where do you stand? Your credit score is a numeric expression of your behaviour with money from the eyes of money-lenders (for example a bank) at a given point in time. It is important to have good credit, even if you don’t think you need it. In Canada, there are several different […]
When you are thinking about a high interest savings account, make sure you’re not giving your money away… To the banks that is! Many of us are so afraid to lose our hard earned money through investing that we stash our funds in a high interest savings account. While this is a better option than […]
Nominal interest rate and effective interest rate…. you’re paying HOW MUCH? I’m sorry what? Many of us don’t realize that we are paying more than the posted rates we see in commercials. What we are actually paying is the effective interest rate, which is based on how often the interest on our balance owing is […]