The Most Important Financial Experts You Need

To make sure that your finances are well looked after and you don’t make mistakes that you will regret later, it is advisable to get assistance from experts in the field. Don’t think that you need to specialize and manage it all yourself. I sat down with personal finance blogger, Janine Rogan from to […]

Money Misc





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passively profitable

I’m sure you’ve heard of good debt and bad debt but the question is, do you really know the difference, and why does it even matter? Let’s first talk about debt in general. This is when you borrow money and you have to pay interest. This is the fee you that you’re paying for the […]

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt And Why It Matters


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It is actually really simple and easy to deposit cheques from your smart-phone. I’m a little embarrassed to say that I’ve just discovered this functionality, but there is no time like the present. I’ve know about this for a long time, but don’t get cheques too often. You may not get cheques very often but […]

Deposit Cheques On Your Phone, Get Your Time Back!

Money Misc

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Happy New Year! The ball has dropped… it’s 2017. Hopefully we’ve all enjoyed the holidays and now we’re back and it’s time for a better you in the New Year. I’m sure many of you have spent time over the holidays thinking about what your New Year’s resolutions are going to be. Did you decide […]

New Years Financial Intentions for 2017

Money Misc

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Although one of my mantras is that you should be saving money, I need to be clear that saving is not the be-all and end-all of life. Your financial goal should not be to get as much money as possible, stuffed away under your mattress or in your bank account. I do think that saving […]

Saving Isn’t The Be All End All


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If you’re not exactly sure about the workings of the stock market, you’ve come to the right place. The stock market is the market where the shares of publicly traded companies are issued and traded through exchanges. This market is also called the equity market. Through the stock market, companies acquire funds (capital) in exchange for small […]

What is the Stock Market?

Spending Plan

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Many of us ask more questions on a first date, then when interviewing a financial planner, and we entrust them with our wealth! So, what would you ask on a first date? A financial first date with a financial planner that is! Have you been wanting the help and advice of a planner, but don’t […]

Interviewing a Financial Planner


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Stop making your finances so complicated! There are three ways money flows. So many people don’t take control of their finances because it can feel so complicated that people don’t know where to start. Well I’m here to tell you, that it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, take a deep breath. There are actually only […]

Three Ways Money Flows

Spending Plan

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Both your quality of life and the size of your bank account matter. How would you rate the quality of your life? And how would you rate the quality of your bank account? You may not realize it, but the decisions we make every day about the quality of our life impacts our bank account […]

Quality of Life AND Money

Spending Plan

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What happens when you only pay the minimum balance on your credit card. There are some areas in life where you can get by just fine by doing only the minimum or putting in the least effort required. For example, if your clothes end up on a chair at the end of the day rather […]

Paying Just the Minimum Balance

Spending Plan

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